My website/certain page isn’t loading?
We'd suggest starting by clearing your cache;
If this doesn't work, it could be due to your SSL cert not being current, or your Domain not being configured correctly.
Reach out to the Support Team in this case and we can investigate it further for you.
How can I direct this URL to another URL?
You'll need to reach out to your Hosting company to get this sorted and pass along these details; -> -> CNAME pointing to
It’s important to let the support team know as soon as these settings have been changed, as our developers need to finish the site mapping once this is done.
My Listings aren’t updating on my website?
This may be due to the next sync not yet being run on your website - to fix this;
- Log into Wordpress by adding'/sl-login/ to the end of your URL and entering your credentials
- From the Dashboard, click the Data Sync tab on the left-hand side
- Select Run Sync now