Did you know that your Siteloft website has the option of two different menu styles? In this help documentation, we’ll explain their different features, and how to change between the two.
Drop Down Menus
Dropdown menus are designed to make navigation as quick and easy as possible by allowing visitors to locate more pages straight from the homepage. This means that when browsing on a computer or tablet it takes less ‘clicks’ to get to where you want to go – the essence of good user experience.
The menu can be further grouped into sub-menus allowing for the grouping together of menu items that fall into a certain category – as can be seen in the screenshot above. This means you can have all your pages accessible from the homepage without any clutter.
Slide-out ‘hamburger’ menus
The slide-out or ‘hamburger’ menu (kind of looks like a hamburger, doesn't it?) is the traditional menu option with a Siteloft website.
The hamburger menu is a common sight for those who frequently browse the Internet or use the Facebook app on their mobile. It allows for a content menu to be hidden, giving easy access without hindering user experience.
The hamburger menu is particularly handy for those who wish to put a great deal of content on their website whilst maintaining a consistent, positive browsing experience. It is also popular amongst those who prefer a minimalist approach to their website.
What happens when browsers are viewing my website on a mobile device?
As Siteloft websites are responsive, when viewing the website on a mobile phone, the hamburger menu will be used regardless of your choice of menu. This is due to space limitations. Mobile browsing requires the content to be accessible at all times, though the smaller screen gives us a lot less room to work with. Hence, the hamburger menu is the default.
Activating the Drop Down Menu
To activate the Drop-Down menu:
- Log in to WordPress by adding '/wp-admin/' to the end of your website's URL and entering your credentials
- From the Dashboard go to Appearance > Customize > Misc > Select Header Type
- Choose the Dropdown option
- Hit the blue Save button
Changing the menu
To change the menu on your website:
- Log in to WordPress by adding '/wp-admin/' to the end of your website's URL and entering your credentials
- From the Dashboard go to Appearance > Menus
Select A Menu To Edit
- Select Unified Main Menu (Unified Menu Location) to enable the drop-down menu
- Select Main Menu (Main Menu Location) to enable the Hamburger menu
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to view Menu Settings
- Under Theme Locations:
- Select Unified Menu Location for the drop-down menu
- Select Main Menu Location for the hamburger menu.
To set up your drop-down menu, you'll need to use the WordPress Menu Structure function. This is a simple drag and drop system. Replicate your menu, and save.
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