You may want to add the option to download a PDF document straight from the menu.
To add a PDF document to the menu
- Log into Wordpress by adding'/sl-login/ to the end of your URL and entering your credentials
- From the Dashboard, click the Media tab on the left-hand side
- Upload the PDF to the media gallery
- Click into the document and select everything in the url after the '.com' (E.g.
5. From the Dashboard, click Appearance > Menus
6. Select the menu you'd like to edit (main menu or unified main menu depending on your heading type)
7. Add a new Custom Link by pasting in the URL you have just copied and give the listings page a title
8. Drag and drop the new listings page to where you'd like it to be displayed on the site
9. Hit Save Menu to update the site
Not what you were looking for? Contact support at for more information.