If you'd like to spice up your staff profiles, follow the instructions below.
- Log into your website's back end and click into Content > Staff > Staff Members then choose the existing staff profile you'd like to add details to
- Scroll down to the section you wish to update, and once you're done, click update at the top right corner of the page
You can edit the following information:
- Hero Banner - if you'd like the relevant agency profile hero banner to be used, tick the box next to 'Use Agency Hero Image'
- Add a YouTube video
- Profile Image
- Staff Member's Position
- Relavent Agency
- Department/Team
- Contact Numbers/Email
- Priority - this affects the order in which the staff members are shown (unless featured) on the site via the agency profile and staff listing blocks on the homepage. Leave all members at the default of 99 to give no priority
- Featured - this allows for staff members to show at the top of every display
- Social Media Links
- Display Settings - you can choose to hide certain information from a staff profile such as contact details and associated listings